Belgium Cargo Agents

National and International Cargo Services

Freight / Shipping / Logistics / Customs Brokerage

Company Name: Sealiner n.v.

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 (0)3 543 22 66

Company Name: Socar shipping company

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +3225204077

Company Name: Tailormade logistics

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +3292555858

Company Name: World freight agencies nv

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 3 2319902

Company Name: Alov air and sea ltd

City: Be kpehenou

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: (+229) 67473505

This information is under review

Company Name: Egylogistics

City: Cairo

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: 02-24442316

This information is under review

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Partner Group: Freight Forwarding Portugal
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