France Cargo Agents

National and International Cargo Services

Freight / Shipping / Logistics / Customs Brokerage

Company Name: Danzas

City: Pointe_a_pitre

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: +590

Company Name: Danzas noumea

City: Noumea

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: +687 (0)246900

Company Name: Darque Logistics France SAS

City: Paris

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: +33 (0)1

Company Name: Debeaux transit

City: Roissy cdg cedex

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: +33 (0) 1 48 62 71 43

Company Name: Derudder

City: Le havre

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: +33 2 35 53 74 56

Company Name: Euro cargo rail sas

City: Paris

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: +33 1 58 05 33 01

Company Name: Euro overseas logistics

City: Aulnay sous bois cedex

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: ++ 33 1 48 10 02 10

Company Name: Exaciel amc logistique

City: Roissy cdg

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: 33148161890

Company Name: Expair Transit Int

City: Paris

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: +33 (0)1

Company Name: France cargo international fci

City: Villeneuve la garenne

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: +33(0)1 40 85 07 76

Company Name: Freight international transportation (fit)

City: Roissy en france

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: +33 1 34 29 09 85

Company Name: Geodis antilles sa

City: Les-abymes

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: +590 21.15.65

Company Name: Geodis projects oil & gas

City: Vitrolles

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: 0484258758

Company Name: Geodis wilson france sa

City: Cayenne

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: +594 35.57.47

Company Name: Gondrand

City: Roissy cdg

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: +33141845961

Company Name: On air logistic

City: Gonesse

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: +33(0)800600747

Company Name: Phab aviation ltd

City: London

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: 0033672794626

Company Name: S&r france

City: St leu d'esserent

Country/Territory: France


Company Name: Sctil

City: Roissy cdg cedex

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: 33 (0)

Company Name: Setcargo Reunion (maritime)

Company Address: 14 Bis Rue Paul Verlaine, Reunion

City: Le-port

Country/Territory: France

Company Name: Tpf forwarding network (france)

City: Roissy

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: 33 972 124 638

Company Name: Trans Air Freight

City: Paris

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: +33 (0)1

Company Name: Website:

Company Address: First Shipping Poitiers, France

City: First-shipping-poitiers

Country/Territory: France

Company Name: WES - World Express Services

City: Paris

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: +33 (0)1

Company Name: Ziegler France SA

City: Paris

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: +33 (0)1

Company Name: Setcargo reunion (maritime)

City: Le-port

Country/Territory: France

Company Name: Auscorp - freight forwarding & logistics

Country/Territory: France


Telephone: + 55 51 3035 7435

This information is under review

Company Name: A.c.i - air cargo international

City: Orly

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: 33156702125

This information is under review

Company Name: Clamageran foirexpo

City: Paris

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: + 33 (1) 57 25 18 09

This information is under review

Company Name: Stpi

City: Tremblay en france

Country/Territory: France

Telephone: 0148617700

This information is under review

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