Kenya Cargo Agents

National and International Cargo Services

Freight / Shipping / Logistics / Customs Brokerage

Company Name: Renex global logistics ltd

City: Mombasa

Country/Territory: Kenya

Telephone: +254722640017

Company Name: Rescue tech enterprises ltd

City: Mombasa

Country/Territory: Kenya

Telephone: +254722778830

Company Name: Seaways (k) ltd

City: Nairobi

Country/Territory: Kenya

Telephone: +254-736458080

Company Name: Seaways kenya ltd

City: Nairobi

Country/Territory: Kenya

Telephone: 254736458080

Company Name: Siedmac logistics co ltd

City: Mombasa

Country/Territory: Kenya

Telephone: +254 41 2224568/2318275

Company Name: Sima marine (k) ltd

City: Mombasa

Country/Territory: Kenya

Telephone: 254(020)-2584185

Company Name: Skydive logistics

City: Mombasa

Country/Territory: Kenya

Telephone: +254726754156

Company Name: Southern sahara express lines ltd

City: Mombasa

Country/Territory: Kenya

Telephone: +254412318275

Company Name: Straightline cargo forwarders ltd

City: Nairobi

Country/Territory: Kenya

Telephone: +254 20 559580

Company Name: Swiftstrides logistics ltd

City: Mombasa

Country/Territory: Kenya

Telephone: +254 041 2225895

Company Name: Transnet freight intl ltd

City: Nairobi

Country/Territory: Kenya

Telephone: +254 722 394 300, +254 722 584 202

Company Name: Uneek freight services ltd

City: Nairobi

Country/Territory: Kenya

Telephone: +254733513793

Company Name: Unishippers & logistics limited

City: Nairobi

Country/Territory: Kenya

Telephone: +254 (0)20 243 0866

Company Name: Ventah Freight Logistics

Company Address: Po Box 40774-80100, Mombasa, Kenya

City: Mombasa

Country/Territory: Kenya

Company Name: Global logistics & chartering co, ltd

City: Hanoi

Country/Territory: Kenya

Telephone: 0435773125

This information is under review

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