Moldova Cargo Agents

National and International Cargo Services

Freight / Shipping / Logistics / Customs Brokerage

Company Name: Moldcontainer Co

Company Address: 6, Moscovei Av.,

City: Chisinau

Country/Territory: Moldova

Telephone: +373 22 310936

Fax Number: +373 22 310934

Company Name: Msc Mediterranean Shipping Company

Company Address: Skytower, 5th Floor, Office F1, 63 Vlaicu Parcalab Street,

City: Chisinau

Country/Territory: Moldova

Telephone: +373 22 807 255

Fax Number: +373 22 807 212

Company Name: Paradigm Group Srl

Company Address: Kogalniceanu 58, Of.7,

City: Chisinau

Country/Territory: Moldova

Telephone: +37379989898

Fax Number: +37322243490

Company Name: Quehenberger Logistics Mdv

Company Address: Blvd. Dacia 53/4,

City: Chisinau

Country/Territory: Moldova

Telephone: +37368697079

Fax Number: +37322569910

Company Name: Sc Dias-expedit Srl

Company Address: Sos. Hincesti 142,

City: Chisinau

Country/Territory: Moldova

Telephone: +37379206010

Fax Number: +37322725369

Company Name: Simplextrans S.r.l.

Company Address: Albisoara 80/6, Of. 104,

City: Chisinau

Country/Territory: Moldova

Telephone: +3737-95-6666-2

Fax Number: +373-22-29-54-29

Company Name: Basarabia Impex Srl

Company Address: Str Ismail 8 , Ap 30,

City: Ialoveni

Country/Territory: Moldova

Telephone: +37368079368

Company Name: Airtranstur srl

City: Chisinau

Country/Territory: Moldova

Telephone: +373 22 526139

Company Name: Alevgor grup llc

City: Chisinau

Country/Territory: Moldova

Telephone: +37360090805; +37322845070

Company Name: Atrex lines srl

City: Chisinau

Country/Territory: Moldova

Telephone: +373-60-250-850

Company Name: Lion transport srl

City: Chisinau

Country/Territory: Moldova

Telephone: +37322909019; +37367103310

Company Name: Moldcontainer co

City: Chisinau

Country/Territory: Moldova

Telephone: +373 22 310936

Company Name: Msc mediterranean shipping company

City: Chisinau

Country/Territory: Moldova

Telephone: +373 22 807 255

Company Name: Paradigm group srl

City: Chisinau

Country/Territory: Moldova

Telephone: +37379989898

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