See More Freight Forwarders in Papua new guinea
Company Name: Express Freight Management (ho)
Company Address: Cnr Of Josey & Mula Streets, Po Box 3398, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (675) 472 3822
Fax Number: (675) 472 5193
Company Name: Express freight management
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (675) 321 2185
Company Name: Pacific Customs & Logistic Limited
Company Address: P. O. Box 1281, Lae, Morobe, Papua New Guinea
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 4725108
Fax Number: +675 4722792
Company Name: Swire Shipping
Company Address: Stanley Esplanade, Port Moresby Ncd 121, Papua New Guinea
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +(675) 322 0370
Fax Number: +(675) 321 1174
Company Name: Cargo Freight Management
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 472 2168
Company Name: Pacific customs & logistic limited
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 4725108
Company Name: PMS Customs and Forwarding Ltd
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Website: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 472 5504
Company Name: Consort Express Lines
Company Address: Milffordhaven Road, P.o. Box 2191
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 478 3000
Fax Number: +675 472 2171
Company Name: Express Air Cargo - Fedex
Company Address: Po Box137, Scratchly Road
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: 675-3214606
Fax Number: 675-3210254
Company Name: Express Freight Management - Air/ups
Company Address: Po Box 137 , Scratchly Road
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: 675-3218504
Fax Number: 675-3210254
Company Name: Haraga Customs Clearance Limited
Company Address: Section 140, Allotment 31/32, Scratchley Road Badili, Port Moresby, P.o. Box 1430, Boroko, Ncd, Papua New Giunea
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 321 2352
Fax Number: +675 321 2664
Company Name: Png Shipping Agencies Ltd
Company Address: Level 1, United Church Building, Lot 6, Section 3, Douglas Street, Nat. Cap. District, Papua New Guinea
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 321 9405
Fax Number: +675 321 3371
Company Name: Post Logistics
Company Address: P. O. Box 2, Boroko, National Capital District, Section 35, Allotment 28, Lawes Road, Konedobu
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 3053844
Fax Number: +675 3218879
Company Name: Sea Horse Pacific
Company Address: Section 36 Lot 5, Ncd Dhl Compound, Morea Tobo Road, Six Mile, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 325 2766
Fax Number: +675 325 2671
Company Name: Pacific International Freight Png Limited
Company Address: Po Box 1685, Waterfront, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, Warehouse 8 Unit 15, Kitty Hawk Street, 6 Mile Ncd Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675-325-8195
Company Name: Perpetual Niugini Limited
Company Address: Portion 2885 Hubert Murray H/way 9 Mile,
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +67575451361
Company Name: Sky Pacific Cargo Limited
Company Address: Samos Street , Lae
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: 0067570550257
Company Name: Haraga customs clearance limited
City: Port moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 321 2352
See More Freight Forwarders in Norway
Company Name: Airsped A/s
Company Address: Valhallavegn 6, Osl, No-2065 Gardermoen Park, Ullensaker, Norway
City: Gardermoen
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 63 94 74 00
Fax Number: +47 63 98 33 98
Company Name: Crown Logistics - Oslo
Company Address: Brynsveien 2-4, 0667, Norway
City: Oslo
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +(47) 22 07 52 10
Fax Number: +(47) 22 07 52 11
Company Name: Fredrikstad Transport & Spedisjon As
Company Address: Titangaten 7, No-1630 Gamle Fredrikstad, Norway
City: Fredrikstad
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 69 32 38 00
Fax Number: +47 69 32 14 20
Company Name: Freja Transport & Logistics A/s
Company Address: Dokkeskjaerskaien Skur 23, Po Box 23 Mohlenpris, No-5006 Bergen, Norway
City: Bergen
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 55 21 41 00
Fax Number: +47 55 21 41 09
Company Name: Gac Logistics Norway
Company Address: Gac-oro, Nordic House, No-5954 Mongstad, Norway
City: Mongstad
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 99 20 25 60
Fax Number: +47 56 16 73
Company Name: Greencarrier Norway As
Company Address: Strandveien 13, No-1366 Lysaker, Norway
City: Lysaker
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 22 82 33 80
Fax Number: +47 22 82 33 85
Company Name: Grieg Logistics As
Company Address: No-6040 Vigra, Norway
City: Aalesund-airport
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 70 18 43 00
Fax Number: +47 85 02 84 85
Company Name: H Stroem As
Company Address: Konnerudgt 2, No-3045 Drammen, Norway
City: Drammen
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 32 26 53 00
Fax Number: +47 32 83 99 49
Company Name: Head Office And Global Offices - Only Active For Advertisers Nac Nordic Air & Sea Cargo
Company Address: Ulvenveien 90 B, Po Box 249 økern, No-0510 Oslo, Norway
City: Oslo
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 23 19 48 00
Fax Number: +47 23 19 48 01
Company Name: Hecksher Linjeagenturer As
Company Address: Rosenkranzgt 22, No-0160 Oslo, Norway
City: Oslo
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 22 82 55 40
Fax Number: +47 22 82 55 49
Company Name: Hevold Shipping A/s
Company Address: Gronlandsleiret 31, No-0135 Oslo, Norway
City: Oslo
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 22 05 26 00
Fax Number: +47 22 05 26 40
Company Name: Holger Fischer Spedisjon A/s
Company Address: Konows Gate 5, No-0192 Oslo, Norway
City: Oslo
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 22 66 21 82
Fax Number: +47 22 66 21 81
Company Name: Holship Norge A/s
Company Address: Po Box 2533, Tangen Naeringspark, No-3003 Drammen, Norway
City: Drammen
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 32 26 01 00
Fax Number: +47 32 26 01 01
Company Name: Jacsped As
Company Address: Lienga 7, No-1414 Trollåsen, Norway
City: Oslo
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 66 81 54 56
Fax Number: +47 66 81 54 55
Company Name: Maksi Air And Sea As
Company Address: Flyplassveien 178, Stavanger Airport, No-4055 Sola, Norway
City: Stavanger
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 51 71 55 30
Fax Number: +47 51 71 55 31
Company Name: Nor-air Forwarding A/s
Company Address: Grønlandsleiret 31, 7 Floor, No-0190 Oslo, Norway
City: Oslo
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 63 94 39 60
Fax Number: +47 63 98 34 88
Company Name: Norwegian Express Cargo As
Company Address: Fornebu Airport, Oksenoyveien 3, No-1330 Oslo Airport, Norway
City: Oslo
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 67 53 17 20
Fax Number: +47 67 53 39 73
Company Name: Ontime Logistics
Company Address: Postboks 4276, Nygårdstangen, No-5028 Bergen, Norway
City: Bergen
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 55 32 18 50
Fax Number: +47 55 32 31 66
Company Name: Panalpina As
Company Address: Hvamsvingen 9-11, No-2026 Skjetten, Norway
City: Skjetten
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 63 84 98 00
Fax Number: +47 63 84 98 01
Company Name: Scan Global Logistics Ab
Company Address: Aifreight Agents Centre, Gardermoen Naeringspark, No-2065 Gardermoen, Norway
City: Gardermoen
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 63 94 24 70
Fax Number: +47 63 94 24 77
Company Name: Tangen Shipping As
Company Address: Tormod Gjestland, Route 21, Porsgrunn Business Build 1, No-3908 Porsgrunn, Norway
City: Porsgrunn
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 35 93 39 39
Fax Number: +47 35 93 39 30
Company Name: Transaseco A/s
Company Address: Fridjof Nansens Plass 4, No-0160 Oslo, Norway
City: Oslo
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 22 00 70 40
Fax Number: +47 22 00 70 41
Company Name: Trust Forwarding
Company Address: Edvard Griegsvej 6, No-2060 Gardermoen, Norway
City: Oslo
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 81 50 09 88
Fax Number: +47 64 81 83 56
Company Name: Tyrholm & Farstad As
Company Address: No-6040 Vigra, Norway
City: Aalesund-airport
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 70 18 63 00
Fax Number: +47 70 18 63 18
Company Name: Ups Scs (norway) A/s
Company Address: Sandstuveien 70a, No-0680 Oslo, Norway
City: Oslo
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 22 91 94 00
Fax Number: +47 22 91 94 01
Company Name: Airsped as
City: Jessheim
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 47 63947400
Company Name: Nmt Global Logistics As
Company Address: Bark Silas Vei 8, 4876 Grimstad, Norway
City: Grimstad
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 9168 3357
Company Name: Blue Water Shipping
City: Oslo
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 22 66 20 60
Company Name: Dsv air & sea as
City: Bergen
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 55 22 18 70
Company Name: Fredrikstad transport & spedisjon as
City: Fredrikstad
Country/Territory: Norway
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 69 32 38 00
Freight Forwarder
National and International Cargo Services
International Container Transportation Services - Sea (Ship/Vessel), Air (Plane) and Land Freight (Truck and Train)
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Company Name: Airsped

The company Airsped provides services in Norway

- Air freight, Sea freight
- Land Transportation
- Customs Clearance
This agent is a freight forwarding company but not a member of FFF Group.
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The company Airsped provides services in: Norway.
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Company Name: Express Freight Management (ho)
Company Address: Cnr Of Josey & Mula Streets, Po Box 3398, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (675) 472 3822
Fax Number: (675) 472 5193
Company Name: Express freight management
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (675) 321 2185
Company Name: Pacific Customs & Logistic Limited
Company Address: P. O. Box 1281, Lae, Morobe, Papua New Guinea
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 4725108
Fax Number: +675 4722792
Company Name: Swire Shipping
Company Address: Stanley Esplanade, Port Moresby Ncd 121, Papua New Guinea
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +(675) 322 0370
Fax Number: +(675) 321 1174
Company Name: Cargo Freight Management
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 472 2168
Company Name: Pacific customs & logistic limited
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 4725108
Company Name: PMS Customs and Forwarding Ltd
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Website: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 472 5504
Company Name: Consort Express Lines
Company Address: Milffordhaven Road, P.o. Box 2191
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 478 3000
Fax Number: +675 472 2171
Company Name: Express Air Cargo - Fedex
Company Address: Po Box137, Scratchly Road
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: 675-3214606
Fax Number: 675-3210254
Company Name: Express Freight Management - Air/ups
Company Address: Po Box 137 , Scratchly Road
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: 675-3218504
Fax Number: 675-3210254
Company Name: Haraga Customs Clearance Limited
Company Address: Section 140, Allotment 31/32, Scratchley Road Badili, Port Moresby, P.o. Box 1430, Boroko, Ncd, Papua New Giunea
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 321 2352
Fax Number: +675 321 2664
Company Name: Png Shipping Agencies Ltd
Company Address: Level 1, United Church Building, Lot 6, Section 3, Douglas Street, Nat. Cap. District, Papua New Guinea
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 321 9405
Fax Number: +675 321 3371
Company Name: Post Logistics
Company Address: P. O. Box 2, Boroko, National Capital District, Section 35, Allotment 28, Lawes Road, Konedobu
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 3053844
Fax Number: +675 3218879
Company Name: Sea Horse Pacific
Company Address: Section 36 Lot 5, Ncd Dhl Compound, Morea Tobo Road, Six Mile, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 325 2766
Fax Number: +675 325 2671
Company Name: Pacific International Freight Png Limited
Company Address: Po Box 1685, Waterfront, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, Warehouse 8 Unit 15, Kitty Hawk Street, 6 Mile Ncd Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675-325-8195
Company Name: Perpetual Niugini Limited
Company Address: Portion 2885 Hubert Murray H/way 9 Mile,
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +67575451361
Company Name: Sky Pacific Cargo Limited
Company Address: Samos Street , Lae
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: 0067570550257
Company Name: Haraga customs clearance limited
City: Port moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 321 2352