See More Freight Forwarders in South sudan
Company Name: Paxton International - South Sudan
Company Address: Plot 1, In Front Of Iom, Near Ezentus Caterpillar, Munuki Area, Bilpam Road, Juba, South Sudan
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: + 211 977 483 417
Company Name: Damfo Logistics Solutions Jlt
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +211 (0)3118 30444
Company Name: Fadex Cargo Services Co Ltd
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +211 (0)99 990 5100
Company Name: MEBS Global Reach Ltd
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +211 (0)955634474
Company Name: Worldwide Movers South Sudan Ltd
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +211 (0)924106000
Company Name: Aerosea World Logistics Ltd
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +211 (0)921 150 003
Company Name: GIFCO - Ghorayeb International Freight Forwarding Co
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +211 955 000 010
Company Name: Rescue Shipping Logistics Ltd
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +211 (0)722778830
Company Name: Det Yi Puou Co. Ltd
Company Address: Malakia City Mall, Dmax Building, 1st Flr, Office #103, Juba, Jubek, South Sudan
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Telephone: +211915003545
Fax Number: +211915003522
Company Name: Aba Express Logistics Limited
Company Address: 1894,
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Telephone: +211955720802
Company Name: Las Logistics Ltd
Company Address: Unity Avenue, Hai Malakal, Juba - Opposite Equity Bank, City Car Building, 2nd Floor, Office# 1...
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Telephone: +211921777777
Company Name: United Freighters
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Telephone: +211 (0)922 000300
Company Name: United Freighters Cargo (ufc)
Company Address: Air Port Ministery Road, Skyline Building Tongion, Juba, South Sudan
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
See More Freight Forwarders in Denmark
Company Name: Agility A/s
Company Address: Hammerholmen 39d, Dk-2650 Hvidovre, Denmark
City: Hvidovre
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 70 10 20 66
Fax Number: +45 70 10 20 67
Company Name: Airland International As
Company Address: Kastrup, Kystvejen 14, Dk-2770 Kastrup, Denmark
City: Copenhagen
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 32 51 86 00
Fax Number: +45 32 50 87 50
Company Name: Alpi Air & Sea A/s
Company Address: Greve Main 32, Greve, Denmark
City: Greve
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 43 41 04 44
Fax Number: +45 43 41 04 55
Company Name: Bendix Transport Danmark Ltd.
Company Address: Europavej 40, Taulov, Dk-7000 Fredericia, Denmark
City: Fredericia
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: + 45 75 564444
Fax Number: + 45 75 564400
Company Name: Bendix Transport Denmark A/s
Company Address: Jernholmen 39, Dk-2650 Hvidovre, Denmark
City: Hvidovre
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 36 77 22 44
Fax Number: +45 36 77 20 06
Company Name: Danske Speditorer
Company Address: Borsen, Dk-1217 Kobenhavn K, Denmark
City: Copenhagen
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (+45) 33 74 65 65
Fax Number: (+45) 33 74 67 90
Company Name: Fairplay Shipping
Company Address: 7 Industriholmen, Hvidovre, Dk-2650 Copenhagen, Denmark
City: Copenhagen
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 3677 1700
Fax Number: +45 3677 1230
Company Name: Franck & Tobiesen A/s
Company Address: Multivej 10, Multiterminalen, Dk-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
City: Aarhus
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 7010 0555
Fax Number: +45 7020 0575
Company Name: Global Solutions A/s
Company Address: Vardevej 263, Dk-7100 Billund, Denmark
City: Vejle
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 76 42 40 80
Fax Number: +45 76 42 40 81
Company Name: Greencarrier Denmark A/s
Company Address: Turbinevej 11, Herlev, Dk-2730 Copenhagen, Denmark
City: Copenhagen
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 44 88 10 20
Fax Number: +45 44 88 10 21
Company Name: Hlt Spedition
Company Address: Nordre Strandvej 119 C, 3150 Hellebæk, Denmark
City: Hellebaek
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 49 26 44 88
Fax Number: 49 26 49 96
Company Name: Holship Denmark A/s
Company Address: Malaccavej 1, Dk-8000 Arhus, Denmark
City: Arhus
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 86 13 49 00
Fax Number: +45 86 13 10 33
Company Name: Ids Spedition Aps
Company Address: Kokbjerg 12 - 6000 Kolding, Denmark
City: Kolding
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 76 600 800
Fax Number: +45 76 600 801
Company Name: Inter-scan Airfreight A/s
Company Address: Kastrup, 3c Fuglebaekvej, Copenhagen Airport, Dk-2770 Kastrup, Denmark
City: Copenhagen
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 32 51 60 22
Fax Number: +45 32 51 11 10
Company Name: Jumbo Transport As
Company Address: Gammelager 1, Broendby, Dk-2605 Copenhagen, Denmark
City: Copenhagen
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 36 86 88 00
Fax Number: +45 36 86 88 99
Company Name: Kuehne + Nagel A/s
Company Address: Kastrup, Vallensbaekvej 16, Brøndby, Dk-2605 Kobenhavn, Denmark
City: Copenhagen
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 36 99 36 99
Fax Number: +45 36 99 36 90
Company Name: Linco-freight Aps
Company Address: Kastrup, Kirstinehoj 8, Dk-2770 Kastrup, Denmark
City: Copenhagen
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 32 50 33 55
Fax Number: +45 32 50 96 00
Company Name: Nac Nordic Air & Sea Cargo
Company Address: Kloevermarken 21, Dk-7190 Billund, Denmark
City: Billund
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 76 50 22 47
Fax Number: +45 76 50 22 48
Company Name: Niels Winther & Co. Skibsekspedition Aps
Company Address: Gluckstadtsvej 2, Dk-2100 Copenhagen Free Port, Ireland
City: Copenhagen
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 39 292 855
Fax Number: +45 39 293 855
Company Name: Niels Winther Shipping
Company Address: Store Torv 9, Dk-8000 Aarhus C, Ireland
City: Aarhus
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 75 128355
Fax Number: +45 75 128617
Company Name: Nordistic A/s
Company Address: Jaegergaardsgade 42, 1.sal. 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
City: Aarhus
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 8730 9970
Fax Number: +45 8730 9971
Company Name: On-site Denmark Aps,
Company Address: Kongevejen 18, Dk-2791 Dragor, Denmark
City: Copenhagen
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: + 45-(0) 32-82 02 10
Fax Number: +45-(0) 32-82 02 11
Company Name: Spedition Christensen A S
Company Address: Plantagevej 1, Dk-6330 Padborg, Denmark
City: Padborg
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 7467 2727
Fax Number: +45 7467 4313
Company Name: Stabrand Spedition
Company Address: Skagerrakvej 8, Dk-2150 Nordhavn, Denmark
City: Frihavnen
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (+45) 39 20 90 30
Fax Number: (+45) 39 18 60 99
Company Name: Strait Air Transport A/s
Company Address: Snorresgade 18-20, Dk-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
City: Copenhagen
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 32 46 08 00
Fax Number: +45 32 46 08 08
Company Name: Transcargo A/s
Company Address: Industrivej 46, Dk 6330 Padborg, Denmark
City: Padborg
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 7467 1100
Fax Number: +45 7467 1905
Company Name: Ups Scs (denmark) Aps
Company Address: Rugvaenget 35, Dk-2630 Taastrup, Denmark
City: Copenhagen
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 43 71 33 33
Fax Number: +45 43 71 11 30
Company Name: 3p logistics
City: Copenhagen
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 7 631 25 50
Company Name: Ka Transport & Montage A/s
Company Address: Plastvænget 5-7, 9560 Hadsund, Denmark
City: Hadsund
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 9833 7444
Company Name: N&k Spedition A/s
Company Address: Malervej 12, Dk-6710 Esbjerg V, Denmark
City: Esbjerg
Country/Territory: Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +45 7611 7676
Freight Forwarder
National and International Cargo Services
International Container Transportation Services - Sea (Ship/Vessel), Air (Plane) and Land Freight (Truck and Train)
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(This listing will be deleted very soon after six years of presence in the directory)
Company Name: Aaen Transport Ltd.

The company Aaen Transport Ltd. provides services in Denmark

- Air freight, Sea freight
- Land Transportation
- Customs Clearance
This agent is a freight forwarding company but not a member of FFF Group.
If you are a cargo agent (freight forwarder, custom broker, logistics, air freight, road freight, sea freight, storage and warehousing company) and received an invitation to join our network, follow the instructions to ensure the presence in the group, and get this space to your company, making sure to benefit from the advantages offered to all the agents of our network.
The company Aaen Transport Ltd. provides services in: Denmark.
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Company Name: Paxton International - South Sudan
Company Address: Plot 1, In Front Of Iom, Near Ezentus Caterpillar, Munuki Area, Bilpam Road, Juba, South Sudan
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: + 211 977 483 417
Company Name: Damfo Logistics Solutions Jlt
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +211 (0)3118 30444
Company Name: Fadex Cargo Services Co Ltd
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +211 (0)99 990 5100
Company Name: MEBS Global Reach Ltd
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +211 (0)955634474
Company Name: Worldwide Movers South Sudan Ltd
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +211 (0)924106000
Company Name: Aerosea World Logistics Ltd
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +211 (0)921 150 003
Company Name: GIFCO - Ghorayeb International Freight Forwarding Co
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +211 955 000 010
Company Name: Rescue Shipping Logistics Ltd
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +211 (0)722778830
Company Name: Det Yi Puou Co. Ltd
Company Address: Malakia City Mall, Dmax Building, 1st Flr, Office #103, Juba, Jubek, South Sudan
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Telephone: +211915003545
Fax Number: +211915003522
Company Name: Aba Express Logistics Limited
Company Address: 1894,
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Telephone: +211955720802
Company Name: Las Logistics Ltd
Company Address: Unity Avenue, Hai Malakal, Juba - Opposite Equity Bank, City Car Building, 2nd Floor, Office# 1...
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Telephone: +211921777777
Company Name: United Freighters
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan
Telephone: +211 (0)922 000300
Company Name: United Freighters Cargo (ufc)
Company Address: Air Port Ministery Road, Skyline Building Tongion, Juba, South Sudan
City: Juba
Country/Territory: South Sudan