See More Freight Forwarders in Papua new guinea
Company Name: Express Freight Management (ho)
Company Address: Cnr Of Josey & Mula Streets, Po Box 3398, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (675) 472 3822
Fax Number: (675) 472 5193
Company Name: Express freight management
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (675) 321 2185
Company Name: Pacific Customs & Logistic Limited
Company Address: P. O. Box 1281, Lae, Morobe, Papua New Guinea
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 4725108
Fax Number: +675 4722792
Company Name: Swire Shipping
Company Address: Stanley Esplanade, Port Moresby Ncd 121, Papua New Guinea
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +(675) 322 0370
Fax Number: +(675) 321 1174
Company Name: Cargo Freight Management
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 472 2168
Company Name: Pacific customs & logistic limited
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 4725108
Company Name: PMS Customs and Forwarding Ltd
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Website: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 472 5504
Company Name: Consort Express Lines
Company Address: Milffordhaven Road, P.o. Box 2191
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 478 3000
Fax Number: +675 472 2171
Company Name: Express Air Cargo - Fedex
Company Address: Po Box137, Scratchly Road
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: 675-3214606
Fax Number: 675-3210254
Company Name: Express Freight Management - Air/ups
Company Address: Po Box 137 , Scratchly Road
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: 675-3218504
Fax Number: 675-3210254
Company Name: Haraga Customs Clearance Limited
Company Address: Section 140, Allotment 31/32, Scratchley Road Badili, Port Moresby, P.o. Box 1430, Boroko, Ncd, Papua New Giunea
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 321 2352
Fax Number: +675 321 2664
Company Name: Png Shipping Agencies Ltd
Company Address: Level 1, United Church Building, Lot 6, Section 3, Douglas Street, Nat. Cap. District, Papua New Guinea
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 321 9405
Fax Number: +675 321 3371
Company Name: Post Logistics
Company Address: P. O. Box 2, Boroko, National Capital District, Section 35, Allotment 28, Lawes Road, Konedobu
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 3053844
Fax Number: +675 3218879
Company Name: Sea Horse Pacific
Company Address: Section 36 Lot 5, Ncd Dhl Compound, Morea Tobo Road, Six Mile, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 325 2766
Fax Number: +675 325 2671
Company Name: Pacific International Freight Png Limited
Company Address: Po Box 1685, Waterfront, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, Warehouse 8 Unit 15, Kitty Hawk Street, 6 Mile Ncd Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675-325-8195
Company Name: Perpetual Niugini Limited
Company Address: Portion 2885 Hubert Murray H/way 9 Mile,
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +67575451361
Company Name: Sky Pacific Cargo Limited
Company Address: Samos Street , Lae
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: 0067570550257
Company Name: Haraga customs clearance limited
City: Port moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 321 2352
See More Freight Forwarders in Brazil
Company Name: 20cube Do Brasil Logistica Ltda
Company Address: Sc 89203-540, Brazil
City: Joinville
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 55 47 3145-5266
Fax Number: 55 47 3145-5222
Company Name: Action Agenciamento De Cargas Ltda.
Company Address: Rua Montes Claros, 1429, Anchieta - Belo Horizonte - Mg, Cep 30310-370, Brazil
City: Belo-horizonte
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (31) 2125.5959
Fax Number: +55 (31) 2125.5999
Company Name: Aeroportuaria
Company Address: Praca Vinconde De Maua 29, 3 Andar, Cj 307, Santos-sp, Brazil
City: Santos
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 13 3219 3030
Fax Number: +55 13 3219 7877
Company Name: Aguiar - Ag Tur Cargas Aguiar Ltda
Company Address: Av. Conselheiro Nebias, 754 - Suite 2601, Santos, Sp, Brazil - Zip: 11045-002
City: Santos
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)13 3219-4500
Fax Number: +55 (0)13 3219-4500
Company Name: Alternativacomex Logistica Internacional Ltda
Company Address: Pr, Rua Bom Jesus De Iguape, 3823 Boqueirao, Paraná, Brazil
City: Curitiba
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)41 3082-0100
Fax Number: +55 (0)41 3082-0100
Company Name: American United Services Corporation (auscorp)
Company Address: Rs, Brazil
City: Novo-hamburgo
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)51 3035-7435
Fax Number: +55 (0)51 3035-7435
Company Name: Aremar Log Cargo Ltda
Company Address: Sao Paulo, Sp, Brazil
City: Guarulhos
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)11 6482-0641
Fax Number: +55 (0)11 6412-3130
Company Name: Ariam Consultoria Em Logistica Aduaneira
Company Address: Rua Brás Cubas, Nº 32, 1. Andar, Santos Centro, Cep: 11013-160 Centro, Santos / Sp, Brazil
City: Santos
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 13 3219-5069
Fax Number: +55 13 3219-3685
Company Name: Atlas Comercio Exterior
Company Address: Rua Ministro Orozimbo Nonato 102 Torre B 7o Andar Ed. Icon - Vila Castela, Nova Lima - Mg, Braz...
City: Nova-lima
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +5531998959276
Fax Number: +5531998959276
Company Name: Attrius Logistics Do Brasil
Company Address: Sp, Rua Martin Afonso N°5, Sala 24, Centro, Santos, 11020-060 São Paulo, Brazil
City: Sao-paulo
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)13 3223-9118
Fax Number: +55 (0)13 3223-9118
Company Name: Autrans Int\'l Logistics Ltda
Company Address: Sp, Al Dos Maracatins, 992, Cj 63a - Moema, Cep 04089-001 Sao Paulo, Brazil
City: Sao-paulo
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)11 5542-1090
Fax Number: +55 (0)11 5044-0309
Company Name: B & M Logistica Internacional Ltda
Company Address: Rua 700, N 199, 88330-618 Sc, Brazil
City: Balneario-camboriu
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)47 2103-5571
Fax Number: +55 (0)47 2103-5566
Company Name: Bechtrans Logistica International Ltda.
Company Address: Rua Riachuelo, No. 121, 5to Andar, Cj.51, Centro, Cep 11010-021 - Sp, Brazil
City: Santos
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 13 3213 4055
Fax Number: +55 13 3213 4055
Company Name: Blucargo Transportes
Company Address: Rua 2 De Setembro, 1619/1649, Bairro Itoupava Norte, Sc Santa Catarina, Brazil
City: Blumenau
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)47 323-7944
Fax Number: +55 (0)47 323-3715
Company Name: Blue Star Agenciamento De Cargas Int\'l Ltda
Company Address: Rs, Rua Alberto Torres 411, Sala 204, 93410-160 Novo Hamburgo, Brazil
City: Novo-hamburgo
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)51 2108-1600
Fax Number: +55 (0)51 2108-1649
Company Name: Br Partners Logistica Internacional Ltda
Company Address: Sc, Uruguai, 122, A302, 88302-200 Sc, Brazil
City: Itajai
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)47 3344 4440
Fax Number: +55 (0)47 3346 1399
Company Name: Brasil Express Transportes Internacionais Ltda
Company Address: Sp, Rua Do Rócio, 423-15° Andar - Vila Olimpia, 04552-000 Sao Paulo, Sp, Brazil
City: Sao-paulo
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)11 3846-6000
Fax Number: +55 (0)11 3846-2000
Company Name: Brasiliense Comissaria De Despachos Ltda
Company Address: Sp, Av Mercedes Benz, 170, Distrito Industrial, 13054-750 Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
City: Sao-paulo
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)19 2102-4700
Fax Number: +55 (0)19 2102-4700
Company Name: Bringer Air Cargo
Company Address: Rs, Av Cruzeiro 300, Cachoeirinha, 94930-615 Rs, Brazil
City: Porto-alegre
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)51 3470 7800
Fax Number: +55 (0)51 3470 7800
Company Name: Brutman Agente De Carga Ltda
Company Address: Mg, Rua Dos Timbiras 1940, Sala 1601, Funcionários, 30140-061 Minas Gerais, Brazil
City: Belo-horizonte
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)31 3879-0400
Fax Number: +55 (0)31 3504-0100
Company Name: Budson
Company Address: Rua José Mattar, 40 - 2 Andar, Jd. Sao Dimas, S. J. Campos, Sp Cep. 12.245-450, Brazil
City: Sao-jose-dos-campos
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 12 3904 4300
Fax Number: +55 12 3904 4301
Company Name: Cacex-consultoria E Assessoria Em Comercio Extrior
Company Address: Am, Av Americo Antoni Iii 1618, (antiga Penetraçao), Conj 31 De Março Japiim Ii, 69076-810 Amazonas, Brazil
City: Manaus
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)92 3237-2164
Fax Number: +55 (0)92 3237-2164
Company Name: Cargo Shipping Services Ltda
Company Address: Pr, Av Republica Argentina, 452 - Room 1409 - 14th Floor, 80240-210 Pr, Brazil
City: Curitiba
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)41 3078-6090
Fax Number: +55 (0)41 3078-6097
Company Name: Cargo World Logistica
Company Address: Sp, Av Inacio Da Cunha Leme, No 74 Jardim Ipanema, 04784-145 São Paulo, Brazil
City: Sao-paulo
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)11 5667-2040
Fax Number: +55 (0)11 5667-2040
Company Name: Cbce Cia Brasileira De Comercio Exterior
Company Address: Sp, Rua Colômbia 100, Jardim América, Cep 01438-000 Sao Paulo, Brazil
City: Sao-paulo
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)11 3067 6066
Fax Number: +55 (0)11 3067 6093
Company Name: Cbf Cargo
Company Address: Av. Paulista, 2202 # 103, Consolacao - Sao Paulo-sp, 01311-000, Brazil
City: Sao-paulo
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +(55 11) 3263.1112
Fax Number: +(55 11) 3266.2906
Company Name: Cmd Global Services
Company Address: Rua Voluntarios Da Patria, 1459, Centro, Sao Jose Dos Pinhais, Curitiba, Brazil
City: Curitiba
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 41 3278-3958
Fax Number: +55 41 3377-2101
Company Name: Cobrac Logistica De Cargas Do Brasil Ltda
Company Address: Sp, Alameda Dos Nhambiquaras 1500, Suite 63, Indianopolis, 04090-003 Sao Paulo, Sp, Brazil
City: Sao-paulo
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)11 5042-0050
Fax Number: +55 (0)11 5042-4779
Company Name: Coimex Cargo
Company Address: Av. Paulista 925, Andar 5, Sp, 01311-916, Brazil
City: Sao-paulo
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)11 3178-1816
Fax Number: +55 (0)11 3178-1179
Company Name: Conexo Assessoria Em Comercio Exterior Ltda
Company Address: Rs, Rua Júlio De Castilhos, 351 S/805, Novo Hamburgo, 93510-130 Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil
City: Rio-grande-do-sul
Country/Territory: Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +55 (0)51 3582-4411
Fax Number: +55 (0)51 3582-4008
Brasília Freight Forwarder
National and International Cargo Services
International Container Transportation Services - Sea (Ship/Vessel), Air (Plane) and Land Freight (Truck and Train)
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(This listing will be deleted very soon after six years of presence in the directory)
Company Name: B&m Logistica Internacional

The company B&m Logistica Internacional provides services in Brazil

- International freight, ocean and air, for imports and exports
- Door-to-door services
- Warehousing, cargo consolidation and deconsolidation
- Cargo insurance (All Risks)
- Project Cargos
- DDU, DDP, EXW services
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Company Name: Express Freight Management (ho)
Company Address: Cnr Of Josey & Mula Streets, Po Box 3398, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (675) 472 3822
Fax Number: (675) 472 5193
Company Name: Express freight management
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (675) 321 2185
Company Name: Pacific Customs & Logistic Limited
Company Address: P. O. Box 1281, Lae, Morobe, Papua New Guinea
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 4725108
Fax Number: +675 4722792
Company Name: Swire Shipping
Company Address: Stanley Esplanade, Port Moresby Ncd 121, Papua New Guinea
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +(675) 322 0370
Fax Number: +(675) 321 1174
Company Name: Cargo Freight Management
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 472 2168
Company Name: Pacific customs & logistic limited
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 4725108
Company Name: PMS Customs and Forwarding Ltd
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Website: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 472 5504
Company Name: Consort Express Lines
Company Address: Milffordhaven Road, P.o. Box 2191
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 478 3000
Fax Number: +675 472 2171
Company Name: Express Air Cargo - Fedex
Company Address: Po Box137, Scratchly Road
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: 675-3214606
Fax Number: 675-3210254
Company Name: Express Freight Management - Air/ups
Company Address: Po Box 137 , Scratchly Road
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: 675-3218504
Fax Number: 675-3210254
Company Name: Haraga Customs Clearance Limited
Company Address: Section 140, Allotment 31/32, Scratchley Road Badili, Port Moresby, P.o. Box 1430, Boroko, Ncd, Papua New Giunea
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 321 2352
Fax Number: +675 321 2664
Company Name: Png Shipping Agencies Ltd
Company Address: Level 1, United Church Building, Lot 6, Section 3, Douglas Street, Nat. Cap. District, Papua New Guinea
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 321 9405
Fax Number: +675 321 3371
Company Name: Post Logistics
Company Address: P. O. Box 2, Boroko, National Capital District, Section 35, Allotment 28, Lawes Road, Konedobu
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 3053844
Fax Number: +675 3218879
Company Name: Sea Horse Pacific
Company Address: Section 36 Lot 5, Ncd Dhl Compound, Morea Tobo Road, Six Mile, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 325 2766
Fax Number: +675 325 2671
Company Name: Pacific International Freight Png Limited
Company Address: Po Box 1685, Waterfront, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, Warehouse 8 Unit 15, Kitty Hawk Street, 6 Mile Ncd Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675-325-8195
Company Name: Perpetual Niugini Limited
Company Address: Portion 2885 Hubert Murray H/way 9 Mile,
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +67575451361
Company Name: Sky Pacific Cargo Limited
Company Address: Samos Street , Lae
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: 0067570550257
Company Name: Haraga customs clearance limited
City: Port moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 321 2352