Company Name: 4pl Logistics
Company Address: Moravia, 75 Mtrs Norte Del Supermercado Megasuper, Oficinas Color Beige, San Jose, Costa Rica
City: San-jose
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 22-35-62-92
Fax Number: +506 22-41-74-20
Company Name: Abc Mudanzas Sa
Company Address: 500 South Of Rotonda Guacamaya, San Jose, Costa Rica
City: San-jose
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 22-86-00-75
Fax Number: +506 22-26-81-34
Company Name: Advanced Logistics Costa Rica Sa
Company Address: Centro Empresarial Terrum #46, Det Del Hotel Hampton Inn, Rio Segundo De Alajuela, San Jose, Costa Rica
City: San-jose
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 24-40-86-18
Fax Number: +506 88-46-61-35
Company Name: America Global Logistics
Company Address: Del Cenada En Barreal De Heredia, 100 Norte Y 150 Oeste, Instalaciones De Del Istmo, San Jose 11621, Costa Rica
City: San-jose
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 2293 7555
Fax Number: +506 2293 7444
Company Name: Antares Carga Aerea Y Maritima
Company Address: Frente A Entrada Norte, De Plaza Real Cariari, Barreal De Heredia, Costa Rica
City: Heredia
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 22-93-10-17
Fax Number: +506 22-93-10-18
Company Name: Argus Express Del Norte Sa
Company Address: Santo Domingo De Heredia 40305, Costa Rica
City: Heredia
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 22-44-77-77
Fax Number: +506 22-44-07-70
Company Name: Consolidaciones Mundotrans S.a.
Company Address: 350 Norte De La Toyota, Paseo Colon, San Jose, Costa Rica
City: San-jose
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +50622489290
Fax Number: +50622480024
Company Name: Costa Rica Carriers Srl
Company Address: Sabana Sur, Edificio Oficentro La Sabana, Edif 1, Piso 2, San Jose Central, Costa Rica
City: San-jose
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 22-90-84-82
Fax Number: +506 22-90-74-62
Company Name: Crown Logistics - San Jose
Company Address: Zona Franca Zeta, Bodega 57, San Jose, Costa Rica
City: Alajuela
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +(506) 2431 4650
Fax Number: +(506) 2431 4264
Company Name: Europartners Costa Rica
Company Address: 200 Oeste, 15 Sur De La Ronda Juan Pablo Ii, La Uruca, San José, Costa Rica
City: San-jose
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 22-90-59-10
Fax Number: +506 22-90-58-70
Company Name: Fast Cargo Services Sa
Company Address: 100 Metros Oeste Del Hotel Hampton Inn, Alajuela, Costa Rica
City: Alajuela
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 437-19-55
Fax Number: +506 437-19-54
Company Name: Grupo Servica
Company Address: 500 Metros Estes Del Hotle Hampton In, Rio Segundo 2286-4050, Alajuela, Costa Rica
City: Alajuela
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 2437-5800
Fax Number: +506 2441-6593
Company Name: Latin American Indian Company Laninco Sa
Company Address: No 50 Urb Santa Teresita, Villa Bonita, Alajuela 4050, Costa Rica
City: Alajuela
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 2442-51-05
Fax Number: +506 2430-15-05
Company Name: Mm Logistics - Grupo Mudanzas Mundiales
Company Address: East Side Of Mall Multiplaza Del Este, Zapote, San José, Costa Rica
City: San-jose
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 22-07-68-00
Fax Number: +506 22-53-33-89
Company Name: Morera Logistics
Company Address: Residencial Santa Teresita #97 - Villa Bonita - Alajuela 20101 - Costa Rica
City: Alajuela
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 506-2442-6110
Fax Number: 506-2430-5271
Company Name: Mudanzas Mundiales, Sa
Company Address: 50 Metros Este De Multiplaza Del Este, San José 6540-1000, Costa Rica
City: San-jose
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 224-25-25
Fax Number: +506 253-33-89
Company Name: Pacific Anchor Line (costa Rica)
Company Address: Del Puente El Coyol 500 Mts Oeste, Carretera Paralela A La Autopista, General Canas, Alajuela, Costa Rica
City: Alajuela
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 24-33-51-21
Fax Number: +506 24-33-51-21
Company Name: Panalpina Transportes Mundiales Sa
Company Address: Paseo Colon De Torre Mercedez, 100 Mts Norte Y 75mts Oeste, Calle 26 Y 28 Ave 1, San José, Costa Rica
City: San-jose
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 2 257-91-91
Fax Number: +506 2 257-91-94
Company Name: Representaciones Logisticas Globales Rlg, S.a.
Company Address: San Sebastian, San Jose, Costa Rica.
City: San-jose
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (506) 2252-3491
Fax Number: (506) 2252-3690
Company Name: Seabox Logistics International Sa
Company Address: 400 Al Norte Y 75 Al Oeste De Grupo Q, La Uruca, San José 222 1009, Costa Rica
City: San-jose
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 88 16 46 58
Fax Number: +506 22 29 43 89
Company Name: Seko Costa Rica, San Jose
Company Address: Urbanizacion Saint Francisco, San Jose, Costa Rica
City: Moravia
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 2236-7671
Fax Number: +506 2236-7573
Company Name: Sercogua Costa Rica Sa
Company Address: De La Universidad De La Salle 75, Metros Norte, San Jose, Costa Rica
City: San-jose
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 290-16-58
Fax Number: +506 232-01-40
Company Name: Sociaco Sa
Company Address: 30 Mts Norte, Universidad Hispanoamericana, Barrio Aranjuez, San Jose, Costa Rica
City: San-jose
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 22-21-21-30
Fax Number: +506 22-57-38-18
Company Name: Transportes Transtica S.a
Company Address: 100 Mts. Norte Del Taller Romero Fournier, La Uruca, Costa Rica
City: Uruca
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 40550700
Fax Number: 40550700
Company Name: Universal Cargo Uc S.a.
Company Address: 300 Metros Este De La Farmacia Fischel, La Agonia, Alajuela, 10020 Alajuela, Costa Rica
City: Alajuela
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 2440 4083
Fax Number: 2440 4072
Company Name: Wca Family Memberagencia De Aduanas Multimodal Sa
Company Address: 300 Metros De Waterland, La Asunción De Belén, Heredia, Costa Rica
City: Heredia
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 22-39-44-49
Fax Number: +506 25-89-00-14
Company Name: Grupo Mega S A
Company Address: 350 Sur Fuente De La Hispanidad, Roosevelt Town, Edificio Mega, San José, Costa Rica
City: San-jose
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 25-00-05-00
Company Name: Jpl Logistica De Carga
Company Address: Sabana Sur, De La Tienda Universal, 100 Oeste-100 Sur Y 25 Este 2do Piso, San Jose, Costa Rica
City: San-jose
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 2232-8484
Company Name: Jpl Logistica De Carga, Sa
Company Address: 300 Metros Norte Y 50 Este - Edificio Fomento Urbano, Primer Piso, Sabana Norte, San Jose, Cos...
City: San-jose
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 2232-8484
Company Name: Navicon Overseas Costa Rica S.a
Company Address: Rio Segundo De Alajuela, Costa Rica
City: Alajuela
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +506 24-37-58-00
Company Name: Express Freight Management (ho)
Company Address: Cnr Of Josey & Mula Streets, Po Box 3398, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (675) 472 3822
Fax Number: (675) 472 5193
Company Name: Express freight management
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (675) 321 2185
Company Name: Pacific Customs & Logistic Limited
Company Address: P. O. Box 1281, Lae, Morobe, Papua New Guinea
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 4725108
Fax Number: +675 4722792
Company Name: Swire Shipping
Company Address: Stanley Esplanade, Port Moresby Ncd 121, Papua New Guinea
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +(675) 322 0370
Fax Number: +(675) 321 1174
Company Name: Cargo Freight Management
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 472 2168
Company Name: Pacific customs & logistic limited
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 4725108
Company Name: PMS Customs and Forwarding Ltd
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Website: [email protected]
Telephone: +675 472 5504
Company Name: Consort Express Lines
Company Address: Milffordhaven Road, P.o. Box 2191
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 478 3000
Fax Number: +675 472 2171
Company Name: Express Air Cargo - Fedex
Company Address: Po Box137, Scratchly Road
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: 675-3214606
Fax Number: 675-3210254
Company Name: Express Freight Management - Air/ups
Company Address: Po Box 137 , Scratchly Road
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: 675-3218504
Fax Number: 675-3210254
Company Name: Haraga Customs Clearance Limited
Company Address: Section 140, Allotment 31/32, Scratchley Road Badili, Port Moresby, P.o. Box 1430, Boroko, Ncd, Papua New Giunea
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 321 2352
Fax Number: +675 321 2664
Company Name: Png Shipping Agencies Ltd
Company Address: Level 1, United Church Building, Lot 6, Section 3, Douglas Street, Nat. Cap. District, Papua New Guinea
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 321 9405
Fax Number: +675 321 3371
Company Name: Post Logistics
Company Address: P. O. Box 2, Boroko, National Capital District, Section 35, Allotment 28, Lawes Road, Konedobu
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 3053844
Fax Number: +675 3218879
Company Name: Sea Horse Pacific
Company Address: Section 36 Lot 5, Ncd Dhl Compound, Morea Tobo Road, Six Mile, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
City: Port-moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 325 2766
Fax Number: +675 325 2671
Company Name: Pacific International Freight Png Limited
Company Address: Po Box 1685, Waterfront, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, Warehouse 8 Unit 15, Kitty Hawk Street, 6 Mile Ncd Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675-325-8195
Company Name: Perpetual Niugini Limited
Company Address: Portion 2885 Hubert Murray H/way 9 Mile,
City: Port Moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +67575451361
Company Name: Sky Pacific Cargo Limited
Company Address: Samos Street , Lae
City: Lae
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: 0067570550257
Company Name: Haraga customs clearance limited
City: Port moresby
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 321 2352