Belgium Cargo Agents

National and International Cargo Services

Freight / Shipping / Logistics / Customs Brokerage

Company Name: Middlegate europe n.v.

City: Zeebrugge

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32/50 55 70 70

Company Name: Navex & van meerbeeck nv

City: Antwerp

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 (0)3 202.48.48

Company Name: Pavan flanders

City: Roeselare

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: 003251679028

Company Name: Soncotra nv

City: Poperinge

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: 003257337666

Company Name: Staro trans

City: Ranst

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: 0032 3 205 71 71

Company Name: Sumitono Warehouse (Europe) GmbH

City: Antwerp

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 (0)3 825.15.15

Company Name: Thys management & trading

City: Liedekerke

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32489641450

Company Name: Tpf forwarding network (belgium)

City: Antwerp

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: 32 3 202.03.45

Company Name: Y & f international bvba

City: Brussels

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 (0)2 752.16.93

Company Name: Y & F International BVBA

City: Brussels

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 (0)2 752.16.93

Company Name: Abl

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 3 544 00 81

Company Name: Act airline representative

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 2 753 21 80

Company Name: Air support

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 2 752 86 80

Company Name: Antrex shipping n v

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +3232429150

Company Name: Antwerp port authority

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32-3-205 20 11

Company Name: Astros

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +323 543 7211

Company Name: Belfor logistics nv

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 (0)3 231 29 35

Company Name: C steinweg nv

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 3 545 7 545

Company Name: Caron international trading flying sl

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32474435251

Company Name: Confreight belgium nv

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 (0) 3 543 18 00

Company Name: Demavia airlines

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 (0)2 724.90.81

Company Name: Ecu line nv

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 3 544 3800

Company Name: Fast transit line

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 3 541 96 76

Company Name: Hamann international nv

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 (03) 225 20 80

Company Name: Ifb

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 3 270 97 75

Company Name: Imship comm.v.

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +3232323211

Company Name: Integrated logistics n.v.

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32.3.303.24.41

Company Name: International road federation

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 2 644 58 77

Company Name: Kales airline services

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 2 305 28 20

Company Name: Remant globe nv

Country/Territory: Belgium

Telephone: +32 3 205 66 00

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Partner Group: Freight Forwarding Portugal
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